Thursday, April 8, 2010

7 years

7 years can seem like such a long time to some, but to me, it's been so short. I can't believe, first off, that I am old enough to have 4 kids; and second, that my second is 7!! Zaynah Elizabeth, born April 8th 2003 at 4:36 am. Her labor and delivery were very quick!! She was here the day before she was due and the only one of my kids that I had no doctor assistance in going into labor. She is quite a unique kid! Very particular and very sensitive. She still loves baby dolls and playing dress-up. I love Zaynah's spirit, she is very energetic and full of life!! Zaynah has very different features than the rest of us. She stands out in our family. She has the darker skin, her hair is black, and she is the only one in our family with brown eyes. From the moment she was born, the nurses were all telling me just how naturally beautiful she was. A perfect, beautiful baby. Zaynah is Arabic for "beautiful", so that fits her.

So today is her day!! Her birthday is actually being split into 2 days. Today being her actual birthday, she is celebrating at school. She woke up to a new outfit and hair clips from mommy and daddy. For lunch daddy is taking Sonic to her school for her and Aliya, and he will eat lunch with them. At 1:30 her brothers and I are taking cupcakes to her class. After school she thinks we are going to the park, but my mom and dad are picking her up and taking only her to Build a Bear. They will stay for Zaynah's dinner and cake! Saturday is also her day. Nate and I are taking her to The American Girl store, she is picking out a doll, then we are meeting up with my family for lunch. She has an exciting couple of days!

I am so proud of the little girl she has become. It makes me teary to think that just 7 years ago I was holding her in my arms and now she is finishing up her 1st grade year. Where in the world did the time go?

Happy 7th Birthday Zaynah!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! Happy Birthday Zaynah! I wish we lived closer so Gwyneth and Zaynah could be bffs! Maybe someday.
