Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just a few more weeks

I can hardly wait!!! Twilight the movie is coming to theaters November 21st, but I will be going with my sister and my friend at midnight the 20th. I will be making us "Team Edward" baseball tees just to give our total and full support. I am so acting like a geeky teenager, but I can't help it. I told my husband tonight that I have never anticipated a movie so much, like I am this one. So now here is my challenge, for those of you who have not read the series yet...GO GET IT!!! From someone who is not a reader, it will have you blowing off all your responsibilities just to see what happens next. If you are not readers, the book sizes are a bit scary. For me it was, but as I got involved, they were way too short. I am sad that I have finished the books, but I do still skim them every now and then. For those of you who have read the books, tell me your favorite book. Not parts because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. My favorite's in this order are 1) Breaking Dawn, 2) Twilight, 3) Eclipse 4) New Moon. I cried in all 4 and still cry when I re-read. Okay so now I'm a dork, but this dork is so glad that I was introduced to these books. Now, go read!!!


Des said...

Twilight (because it's classic)
Breaking Dawn
New Moon

I can't wait for the movie either! Woohoo! We are going to the midnight showing, I think at Grapevine Mills Mall. We should all go together!

Carrie said...

It was a toss up between Breaking Dawn and Twilight, but I went with Breaking Dawn. Only because, for me, it was more "on the edge of my seat" kind of reading. Really though, I loved them all!!

MChasteen said...

Hey Carrie! I just found your blog and I'm a little late in getting onto the Twilight bandwagon. But I just finished the books- for the second time. I didn't want to eat, sleep or work until I finished. My favorites are:
Breaking Dawn
New Moon
I'm SOOO excited for New Moon to come out and yes, I'm the geeky teenager right along with you. Jon thinks I'm crazy!
P.S. Love your blog!