Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well we survived Halloween in one piece. The kids really pulled in a ton of candy, and yes I am one of those moms that lets my kids eat candy in the mornings, before dinner, and before bed. Judge if you must, but I know you do it too. The costumes were absolutely spectacular!!! I worked so hard on the "Tin-Girl" costume and the "Cowardly Lion" costume. The other two I just bought and pieced together. Time was not on my side, so a lot was improvised. The kids loved them and that's what was important. We had a lot of compliments, so of course that pumped me up for next year. I have 2 ideas, 1) Harry Potter or 2) Scooby Doo. My kids are so good to let mommy be so crafty. I was not allowed to trick or treat when I was little, so I guess I am living vicariously through my kids. It is loads of fun!!The kids crashed last night and so did Nate and I. I knew they were pooped because no one asked for candy. This morning they made up for it, that's all they could ask for. So now it's over. One more Halloween for the books.

*I saw my new nieces on video chat today. They are so precious. I think that Hope really wanted me to hold her because she kept eye-balling me. Soon enough dear Hope and Grace, soon enough.

**We have a mouse outside...ewwww!!!

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